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About me

I'm Masmudi and I'm doing

I'm a student from Informatics Engineering at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. I'm so excited in web development and also data science.

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My Services

Web Development

I'm using React and node.js to build a fullstack web application

Data Science

I think Python is so good to build a data science projects

Machine Learning

I think Python is so good to build a data science projects

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I've sufficient skills in web development in both frontend and backend. I'm using html, css, javascript, bootstrap, tailwind, and react along with it's component library like material UI in frontend. In backend side, i use PHP with it's framework like laravel also and node.js with express. Beside of web development, i'm also interested in data science and machine learning. Usually i use library like pandas, numpy, matplotlib, plotly, scikit-learn, keras, tensorflow, etc. I've also familiar with some algorithm like linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, Support Vector Machine, K-nearest neighboor and some deep learning techniques such as Artifical Neural Network and also Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). I like learning about this two things and i'll never stop learning about it because i think technology is change so fast and we must addapt by always learn and grow.

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you can easily message me if there is something to say. Like job offer, freelance projects, or some other business.

Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia
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